Friday 29 December 2023

Vastu Shastra Workshop - Crash Course | Work From Home Opportunity


आता फक्त दोनच दिवस राहिलेत

दि.१२, १३ व १४ जानेवारी रोजी दादर येथे संपन्न होणाऱ्या Remidial Vastu Expert Seminar मध्ये सवलतीत फी भरण्यासाठी आता दोनच दिवस शिल्लक आहेत. १ जानेवारीपासून ₹११, ०००/- इतकी फी भरावी लागेल. त्यामुळे ज्यांना या कार्यशाळेत भाग घ्यायचा आहे, त्यांनी अधिक विचार न करता सवलतीची फी ₹१०,०००/- भरून आपला प्रवेश निश्चित करावा. या निमित्ताने मी पुन्हा एकदा जाहीर करतो की, या कार्यशाळेसाठी भरलेली तुमची फी पहिल्या महिन्यातच वसूल होणार आहे. ही कार्यशाळा करणाऱ्या प्रत्येक विद्यार्थ्याला मान. उमरीकर सरांच्या प्रोजेक्टमध्ये घरबसल्या (Online) काम मिळणार आहे. मग वाट कसली पाहता? घ्या मोबाईल आणि माझ्या या नंबरवर ₹१०,०००/- जीपे करा.

काही प्रश्न किंवा शंका असल्यास खालील नंबर नंबरवर कॉल करावा. 


Monday 25 December 2023

Astrology Courses & Classes in Mumbai, Thane & Navi Mumbai

 Astrology Expertise at Your Fingertips - Learn with Dr. D.G. Sawant

Are you drawn to the mystical world of stars, planets, and cosmic energies? If you've ever been curious about deciphering the secrets of the universe through astrology, your journey begins here. Dr. D.G. Sawant invites you to join his enlightening astrology courses and classes, both online and offline, in Mumbai, Thane, Navi Mumbai, and nearby areas.

Dr. D.G. Sawant's astrology courses are meticulously designed to unravel the complexities of the celestial realm and guide you in understanding the profound influence of planetary configurations. Whether you're a novice eager to explore the basics or an enthusiast aspiring to become an adept astrologer, our courses cater to all levels of interest and expertise.

Course Highlights

Comprehensive Curriculum: Our astrology course encompasses a comprehensive curriculum that covers the fundamentals of astrology, including birth charts, planetary movements, and predictive techniques.

Expert Guidance: With years of experience and a deep understanding of cosmic energies, Dr. Sawant leads the courses, offering insights and practical wisdom.

Hands-On Learning: Our courses emphasize hands-on learning, allowing you to interpret birth charts and analyze real-life astrological scenarios.

Interactive Sessions: Engage in interactive sessions that encourage discussions, questions, and a deeper understanding of astrological concepts.

Flexible Learning Options

Online Course: Our online astrology course is tailored for those seeking flexibility. Access course materials, attend virtual classes, and interact with Dr. Sawant from the comfort of your home.

Offline Classes: If you thrive in a traditional classroom setting, our offline astrology classes are conducted in Mumbai, Thane, Navi Mumbai, and nearby areas. Immerse yourself in an engaging learning environment while benefiting from direct interactions with Dr. Sawant.

Master the Art of Astrological Precision with Krishnamurti Paddhati

Dive into the realm of precise astrological predictions with Dr. D.G. Sawant's captivating Krishnamurti Paddhati classes and courses. Delve into cuspal positions, birth chart intricacies, and life event predictions. Whether you're a novice or an experienced astrologer, Dr. Sawant's teachings enhance your predictive prowess. Embrace Krishnamurti Paddhati astrology and embark on a journey of cosmic insight.

Enroll today to embark on an enlightening journey into the cosmos with Dr. D.G. Sawant as your guiding star. For admission, registration and other details, please contact - Dr.D.G Sawant.

6 Common Daily Puja Pitfalls That May Attract Bad Luck

6 Common Daily Puja Pitfalls That May Attract Bad Luck

Performing daily puja is a cherished ritual in many cultures, a practice that fosters spiritual connection and positive energy. However, unknowingly committing mistakes during these rituals can have unintended consequences, potentially inviting bad luck. Let's delve into common puja errors and how to avoid them, ensuring your spiritual practices remain a source of positivity and blessings.

1. Inconsistent Timing:

Mistake: Inconsistency in the timing of your daily puja can disrupt the flow of positive energy.

Solution: Establish a fixed time for your rituals, aligning them with your daily schedule to maintain regularity and enhance the efficacy of your puja.

2. Lack of Purity in Ritual Items:

Mistake: Using impure or contaminated items during puja can negate the intended spiritual benefits.

Solution: Ensure the cleanliness and purity of all ritual items, including water, flowers, and incense. Regularly cleanse and consecrate your sacred tools.

3. Ignoring Intention and Focus:

Mistake: Going through the motions without genuine intention and focus diminishes the spiritual impact of the puja.

Solution: Approach your puja with sincerity and mindfulness. Clearly set your intentions and maintain focus throughout the ritual for a more profound connection.

4. Rushed or Incorrect Mantra Chanting:

Mistake: Chanting mantras hastily or incorrectly may lead to a lack of resonance with divine energies.

Solution: Learn the correct pronunciation and rhythm of mantras. Chant them slowly and with devotion, allowing their vibrations to create a harmonious atmosphere.

5. Neglecting Ritual Clean-up:

Mistake: Leaving ritual remnants uncleared can attract negative energy and disrupt the sanctity of your sacred space.

Solution: Conclude your puja by cleaning up the ritual area. Dispose of used items appropriately and maintain a clutter-free environment.

6. Disrespect for Sacred Space:

Mistake: Using the puja space for non-sacred activities or displaying disrespect can diminish its spiritual purity.

Solution: Designate a specific area solely for puja and treat it with reverence. Avoid using the space for unrelated activities to preserve its sanctity.

In conclusion, daily puja is a powerful tool for spiritual growth, but its efficacy can be compromised by common mistakes. By addressing these errors and adopting mindful practices, you can ensure that your puja remains a source of positive energy and blessings, guarding against the inadvertent invitation of bad luck into your life. May your daily rituals be filled with divine grace and prosperity!