Monday 20 February 2017

Short Term Course On Vastu Shastra

We are conducting short term course on Vastu Shastra on Monday (Thane), Tuesday (Dadar) and Wednesday (Dombivali) only at Rs - 500. Please take benefit of this course. It would surely help you to more understand Vastu Shastra and how could we take its benefit to improve our life.

For more details, please contact us @ 7303479440

Monday 13 February 2017

Vastu Shastra Brings Positive Energy to Your House & Life

The Vedic study of architecture is Vastu. Based on the directional alignments, it is the design system of the traditional Hindu.  Vastu is applied on temples, industry, home, offices, factory etc. For the purpose of prosperity and peace, the scientific concept that is practiced is Vastu. In a building, for driving more positive energy is focused this approach and in the area of prosperity, happiness, wealth, health etc.  it is particularly helpful. It tells us as how to avoid the disasters and disease in life that the negative energies around us initiate.

Pooja Room Vastu: In the house, the ideal direction for pooja room is north, east or the north-east corner. In the bedroom, the pooja room must never be made. Also, it must not be there next to, below or above the kitchen or toilet. In the southeast direction of the room, all the pooja related material must be kept. The pooja room must be there on the ground floor always and it must never be in the basement. For the other purposes like store etc. the pooja room must never be used and in the pooja room, the photographs of the ancestors must never be placed.

Bed Room Vastu: In the south direction, the master bedroom must be constructed. Head in the north direction must be avoided while sleeping and this might disturb the sleep and act as a nightmare source. Rectangle and square are the only preferred shapes. On the wall that is opposite to the bed, do not place the mirror. The soft pastel shades of green, blue and off white and bright colors must be avoided. In the bedroom, keeping the divine idols and aquarium must be avoided as per Vastu.

Bathroom Vastu: On the northwest or west sides of the house, the bathrooms must be constructed. They must not be build in the northeastern or eastern sides of the house. Direction for the switchboard and geyser is southeast corner. In the north direction, the showers and taps should be fixed. In the northwest or west direction, the WC should be located. In the northeast, east and at the center of the house, avoid toilet construction.

Locker Room Vastu: For the locker, proper location must be chosen with attention such as windows, entrance direction and the almirah. In the South-west corner, it should be constructed so as to bring prosperity to the valuables. Compared to the other rooms, the locker room height must not be less. The color of floor and wall of the locker room must be yellow. Avoid placing the locker room at the room corner. Always keep it clutter free and clean. To reflect the locker, a mirror should be placed as the opportunity to gain wealth is doubled by this.

Kitchen Vastu: In the house, kitchen must be placed in the South-west or North-west corner. In the north-west corner of kitchen, the kitchen sinks and taps must be fixed and with Gas, it must be adjoined as fire and water reflects each other.

Vastu Shastra

The Truth About Learning Astrology

Most of the people learn astrology and there are different reasons behind learning this. Some people learn it out of interest, some learn since they are curious while some learn it to understand them and for self help. Some people also want to learn astrology so as to make their lives better and get success. The most interesting truth about astrology is that only one sign is not associated with a person. If you are deciding the sign on the basis of birth date and month then you are missing a lot. The sign that is associated with a person simply tell that at the time of birth, the sun was in that sign of zodiac. In astrology, the central purpose of life is referred by astrology and nothing could be more important than that. 

To get the answer of the central purpose of life, it is also important to know the position of Moon at the time of birth. This is why astrology is learned by people so that they can understand the life better. The fact about the sign of a person is that he has a Sun sign, a Moon sign and along with that, he also has eight other signs that are important because in the full chart, there are eight planets as well. 

Another even deep truth about astrology is that in our personalities, we all have twelve signs. The fact is just that certain signs are strong on the basis of the planets. All the twelve signs have a place in our lives and represent some part of our personality. 

The energies of all these signs are there in each one of us. The only difference is that some are prominent than others in our personalities. This is the reason why it is important to understand about more than just a Sun sign or a moon sign. This is another reason why astrology is learned by people. 

Another important fact about astrology that most of the people won’t accept and understand is that no event has ever been predicted by astrology. This fact is absolutely true. Meaning is the thing that is ever predicted or revealed by Astrology. What the astrologers forecast for us is the exact guess that they made of the event on the basis of the birth chart and the study of planetary motion. This is the reason why astrology is learned so as to connect the planetary motion with the events in the life of a person and make use of this knowledge to make things in life better. 

Self help is the motive of most of the people who learn astrology. With the study of the energy patterns, one can recognize the foibles and with the help of progressions in the lifetime, the influence of these in on life could also be understood. 

These are the different reasons why people learn astrology. It influences our lives and is therefore studied by most of the people so as to make their lived better.

Learn Astrology

How To Design Home According To Vastushastra

In the life of a person, the construction of his home plays a very significant role and decides how the life is going to be. Both enthusiasm as well as positivity is brought by a good home that is essential for completing the daily activities of life. There are certain principles that are stated in Vastu Shastra and if these are followed at the time of building the home then one can bring further enhancement in this positivity.

In Hinduism, there are its own roots of the ancient science known as Vastu Shastra. Science of construction is the another name of Vastu Shastra that advise the construction of homes and temples by taking the cosmic principles into account. There are certain Vastu tips that are that are really helpful to build a positive home that could result in positive life.

Sometime between 6000-3000 BC was formulated the Vastu Shastra and this years old science states that for our creation, the five fundamental elements that is water, air, earth, fire and wind are responsible and everything that takes place is affected by them. The cosmic principles foundations that are stated in Vastu Shastra are formed on this concept. The negative energy could be driven away with these principles and one can enter into the life having positivity. However, the Vastu Shastra principles are not limited to house construction. In determining the Vastu of the home, important part is played by several other factors such as direction of plot, surrounding places etc.

Get the best from the kitchen space

The place where all the meal food is prepared is kitchen. This is the reason why in a house, one of the most important space s the kitchen area. It is therefore required that for the kitchen, the best possible design and construction should be taken into account. It is important to keep the following Vastu tips in mind at the time of kitchen design.

South East is the direction that is mostly preferred in terms of placing the kitchen. The South East direction, as per the Hindu mythology, is the Lord Agni’s home and therefore for placing the kitchen, it is considered to be the best direction. It is believed that fire is prevented by Lord Agni.
For setting up the kitchen, one should never use the northeast direction. The reason for this is that lot of sunlight is provided by this direction that is required more by the living rooms or the meditation rooms.
Towards the room’s northeast corner, the doors of kitchen must be aligned where the kitchen is being made and the direction of the windows must be towards the east.

Apartments Vastu Shastra

These days, the apartments are there in huge demand but if you have faith in Vastu than for you, apartment is not the best option. This is because of the reason that all these are pre designed and in terms of layout and structure, very few modifications are possible. Prefer the apartments having entrance towards north, east or north-west for positive vibrations in your house.

Home Vastu Shastra

Sunday 12 February 2017

Astrology : A Science or Superstition?

Future is something for which all the human beings are always curious so as to know as what is going to take place in their life in the coming time. To get information on this, people are ready to invest money and time so as to know as when their life would become better. Future events have successfully been predicted by some people using different ways. Some make use of the tarot cards, some read the lines in palms, some draw astrological chart while some look into the future simply. Astrology was considered to be one of the foremost science branch and most of the well known mathematician in the past were also great astrologers.

Astrology is considered as a superstition by some people as the important links proving its authenticity are missing. This is because of the reason that most of the astrological books were looted by the Islamic hordes and numbers of libraries have been burnt down. This is the reason why the astrological literature is lost and we have no proof for it from the ancient time. This is the reason why some people criticize astrology and believe it to be a work of superstition. Also, since some of the predictions made by astrologers do not prove to be true and different predictions are made by different people for the horoscope of the same person therefore most of the people make fun of it. This is the reason why astrology is not considered to be science by people and they think of it as just the way to make fool of people.

To defeat this fact, one can take the example of the medicines that doctors prescribe. There are events when the doctors are not able to diagnose the problem at once and fail to treat. In that case, the skills of the doctor are questioned and not the Medical science. Same goes with astrology as well. One cannot blame astrology for the wring predictions that made by some astrologer. It is also true that for the same person, different doctors prescribe different predictions. Same is true for astrology. Then if Medical Science is not questioned, why people question astrology being science?

The wrong prediction made by certain astrologers might be due to number of reasons. The astrologer might have lack of talent and knowledge since just after learning a bit, most of the astrologers start making predictions. Once people start gathering to them, they resist learning further and flaunt the half baked knowledge. Such astrologers dupe people and defame astrology. Sometimes, incorrect data might also be the reason for incorrect predictions. If the data such as date of birth, birth time etc. is not accurate, the prediction made on their basis goes wrong.

Astrology is the science using which the astrologers can accurately predict the future of a person on the basis of the correct horoscope. Even if the prediction made by the astrologers went wrong for certain reasons, one question the knowledge of the person and not astrology. 


Friday 10 February 2017

Why Should Consider Astrology Services?

The method of determining the future as well as character of a person is astrology. This is done through the planets and stars alignment. To analyze the birth chart is horoscopic astrology’s most prevalent application that is used to read the psychological traits, character and destiny to some extent.

More interesting than the astrology details is the question as why it is believed by people. By learning as how the astrology began is the best way to understand it. We have been provided with creationism with the magic of astrology and it is also provided us with most form of the alternative medicine.

For the illegitimate reasons, the astrology is believed by the people and therefore it is a pseudoscience. In simple words, the study of the correlation between the events that takes place on the earth and the astronomical position of the planets is termed as Astrology. As per the beliefs of the astrologers, the character of the person is directly influenced by the positions of the Moon, Sun and planets at the time of his birth. A wonderful mix of art, science and craft is astrology.

As per the belief of astrology, the personality trait of a person is directly influenced or has correlation with the celestial bodies’ positions.

There is no harm in astrology, it is rather an entertainment. On the individual’s birth charts is based the study of astrology. It is not a quick study. As far back as the history of the mankind is investigated exits the astrology and it is therefore the most ancient. What might happen is not told by the Vedic astrology but a list of corrective actions and potential remedies are provided by this. This is done to offset the quality of the karmas that are seen in the birth chart and are returning towards them.

Most of the people also believe astrology as scientific and very rare numbers of people say that it is not at all scientific. Astrology is there in use since the historical records beginning and is therefore unique. Even in the modern world, the astrology is in existence and is believed by number of people. Te study of the movements of the heavenly bodies in the solar system is termed as astronomy and the effects that are imposed of these movements is studied in astrology. This is the reason why it is considered. These movements do have impact on the life of a person and therefore astrology predictions are believed by people.

The predictions made in astrology based on the movement of Moon, Sun and other planets have direct impact on the life of a person and this is the reason why people have trust on this.

Astrology is not just about money and love but has the capability of answering number of other questions. It can also assist other people as what to do, when to do and when the things must be done and when they must be avoided to get better results. This is the reason why the astrology services are considered to get better results in life. 
