Sunday 12 February 2017

Astrology : A Science or Superstition?

Future is something for which all the human beings are always curious so as to know as what is going to take place in their life in the coming time. To get information on this, people are ready to invest money and time so as to know as when their life would become better. Future events have successfully been predicted by some people using different ways. Some make use of the tarot cards, some read the lines in palms, some draw astrological chart while some look into the future simply. Astrology was considered to be one of the foremost science branch and most of the well known mathematician in the past were also great astrologers.

Astrology is considered as a superstition by some people as the important links proving its authenticity are missing. This is because of the reason that most of the astrological books were looted by the Islamic hordes and numbers of libraries have been burnt down. This is the reason why the astrological literature is lost and we have no proof for it from the ancient time. This is the reason why some people criticize astrology and believe it to be a work of superstition. Also, since some of the predictions made by astrologers do not prove to be true and different predictions are made by different people for the horoscope of the same person therefore most of the people make fun of it. This is the reason why astrology is not considered to be science by people and they think of it as just the way to make fool of people.

To defeat this fact, one can take the example of the medicines that doctors prescribe. There are events when the doctors are not able to diagnose the problem at once and fail to treat. In that case, the skills of the doctor are questioned and not the Medical science. Same goes with astrology as well. One cannot blame astrology for the wring predictions that made by some astrologer. It is also true that for the same person, different doctors prescribe different predictions. Same is true for astrology. Then if Medical Science is not questioned, why people question astrology being science?

The wrong prediction made by certain astrologers might be due to number of reasons. The astrologer might have lack of talent and knowledge since just after learning a bit, most of the astrologers start making predictions. Once people start gathering to them, they resist learning further and flaunt the half baked knowledge. Such astrologers dupe people and defame astrology. Sometimes, incorrect data might also be the reason for incorrect predictions. If the data such as date of birth, birth time etc. is not accurate, the prediction made on their basis goes wrong.

Astrology is the science using which the astrologers can accurately predict the future of a person on the basis of the correct horoscope. Even if the prediction made by the astrologers went wrong for certain reasons, one question the knowledge of the person and not astrology. 
